Courses We Offer

Multidisciplinary Approaches to Sports Performance - £20.00

Are you a coach looking to enhance your skills and take your athletes' performance to the next level? This module provides you with a unique opportunity to delve into the world of coaching and sports science principles, and undertake a range of theoretical and practical learning tasks that can equip you with multidisciplinary approaches to optimise sports performance.

Coaching Behaviours in Sport - £20.00

Are you a coach who wants to create a positive and successful team culture? Our course on coaching behaviours in sport offers you a comprehensive and practical approach to help you improve your leadership skills. You will learn about effective communication, motivation, goal-setting, and conflict resolution, among other important topics. Our course uses real-life examples and case studies to provide practical guidance and insights for coaches at all levels.

Coaching Pedagogy - £20.00

Are you a coach who wants to learn more about the principles of coaching and pedagogy in sports? Our course offers you a comprehensive and practical approach to teaching and coaching in the sports arena. You'll learn about effective coaching techniques, instructional design, and assessment strategies, as well as how to create a positive and supportive learning environment. Our course uses real-life examples and case studies to provide practical insights and guidance for improving your coaching and pedagogy skills.

Contextual INterference in Sports - £20.00

Looking to enhance your coaching skills and become an effective and safe coach in the diverse landscape of sports in the UK? Look no further than this module, which equips you with comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the coaching process and its crucial elements.

Coach-athlete relationships in sport - £20.00

Are you a coach who wants to establish a positive and effective relationship with your athletes? Our course on coach-athlete relationships in sport offers you a practical and evidence-based approach to building strong and productive connections with your team. You'll learn about the importance of trust, communication, and feedback in fostering healthy coach-athlete relationships, as well as strategies for navigating challenges and conflicts that may arise.

Performance analysis in sport - £20.00

Are you a coach who wants to enhance your team's performance through data analysis? Our course on performance analysis in sport offers you a practical and evidence-based approach to using data to optimise your team's performance. You'll learn about the importance of performance analysis in sports, including how to collect and analyse data, identify trends and patterns, and use that information to improve training and game strategies.

the coaching development programme - £20.00

Are you a coach who wants to enhance your coaching skills and advance your career in sports? Our coaching development program offers you a comprehensive and personalised approach to professional development. Plus, access to a range of resources and tools designed to help you identify your strengths and areas for improvement, set goals, and create a plan for achieving your coaching aspirations. Our program uses evidence-based practices and strategies to enhance your coaching effectiveness, including leadership, communication, performance analysis, and talent development.

The Reflective Coach - £20.00

Are you a coach looking to take your competencies to the next level and become an innovative and reflective practitioner? This module is designed to do just that, by encouraging experimentation within the coaching process and providing you with the tools to develop an ongoing and collaborative reflective process. With these competencies, you'll be able to justify your coaching practice according to the "who", "what", "when", and "how" of your delivery, ultimately becoming a more effective and successful coach.

Effecive Communication in Sport - £20.00

As a coach, do you want to learn how to communicate more effectively with your team and individual athletes? Our course on effective communication in sport offers you practical strategies and tools for enhancing your communication skills. You'll learn how to deliver feedback, provide instructions, and build rapport with your team, as well as how to tailor your communication style to different individuals and situations.

Talent pathways in sport - £20.00

Are you interested in identifying and nurturing talent in sports? Our course on talent pathways in sport offers you a comprehensive and practical approach to talent identification and development. You'll learn about the key principles of talent development, including how to identify potential, create effective development plans, and manage athlete progression through different stages of development.